Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bristol University SWOT and PEST Analysis Essay

Bristol University SWOT and PEST Analysis - Essay Example Another strength is the financial stability and management. According to the annual records of the Bristol University in 2014, the university’s the Bristol’s financial statement shows cash flow generation of 10.1% in 2013/2014. This is a strong evidence on the university’s strong financial stability. The strong financial stability and management enhances Bristol University’s ability to invest in the innovation while also supporting the other areas of the growth (Shattock, 2015).   Additionally, the university’s simplicity in terms of scoring and structure makes it easy in charting the scores of the individual over time. This is specifically important in case studies. Other strengths include; cultural and linguistic diversity of the students/city/staff and the increasing international, responsive to change, increasing amount and the quality of the applied research, and home student recruitment and demand (Dyson, 2000).WeaknessesThe tightly constrai ned city center site where the Bristol University is located makes it hard for it to meet the current requirements for the space efficiency. This makes it hard for the new buildings to fit in. Another weakness is the university’s poor adaptability of the processes to changes and demand, and the unnecessary bureaucracy (Clark, 2014). This makes it hard in securing the lean processes in the organisation. Other weaknesses include; few endorsements, strains of expansion, and lack of the external clout.The increased international recruitment to Bristol University.

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