Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Flaw of Hamlets Antic Disposition Essay -- essays research papers

Hamlet's antic disposition of pretending to become crazy so that he can take revenge of his father's death was a bad plan. The situations in the play that prove that Hamlet's antic disposition was a bad plan are the death of his friend Ophelia, his fighting with his mother, trying to fool the King and Polonius, his own downfall and finally his death. All this situations illustrate why Hamlet?s antic disposition was a bad plan. Hamlet?s antic disposition was the main reason why Ophelia committed suicide and why Hamlet fought with his mother. Hamlet believed that if he showed no more feelings for Ophelia and showed hatred and cruelty for his mother, people and particularly the King and Polonius would believe that he has truly gone crazy. He shows that he has no feelings for Ophelia when he says to her "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not.? At the time of Ophelia?s burial, Hamlet jumps in Ophelia?s grave saying, "I loved Ophelia. For thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love Make ...

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